Wednesday 16 October 2013

Yellowstone Part V: Family Pictures

We took a lot of pictures of ourselves in addition to all the animals.  Here are a few!

My Fellow photographer - PARKER

Miss Averie. I stopped to take a picture of her at Gibbon Falls and she started posing like a model. I kept clicking and she kept posing. I took about 20 consecutive shots of her - it was hilarious.  Here are a few:

And now to the family pics at the various sites we visited:
Family pic! Thanks Ash for taking the picture -
Dad, Lisa, Benson, Mom, Austin, Adry, Averie, Parker & Kristynn
Mammoth Hot Springs - Upper Terrace
Mammoth Hot Springs - Lower Terrace

Mammoth Hot Springs
Cute baby Benson @ Mammoth Hot Springs
Lisa, Parker & Averie @ Gibbon Falls
Lisa, Kristynn & Adry @ Gibbon Falls

Mom & Dad @ Gibbon Falls
Dad, Austin, Adry & Parke @ Fountain Paint Pots
Parker, Averie & Benson @ Fountain Paint Pots -
Averie was so helpful! Not sure what Parker was doing haha.
Parker & Averie @ Grand Prismatic Spring in Midway Geyser Basin
Austin & Adry @ Old Faithful
Kristynn, Ashlee & Benson with the Black Bear
Austin & Adry with bison & swans

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