Monday 30 September 2013

Yellowstone Part II: Sloppy Joe's and Gunslinging

Only part of the family made it up to Yellowstone for the entire week.  Brian and I went up on Sunday with my mom and dad along with Ashlee's two oldest kids, Parker and Averie.  We had a good time hanging out with these cute munchkins all week.

Ashlee and her baby, Benson, and Lisa drove up on Tuesday evening.  Austin and Adry arrived late Wednesday night.  It was so great to have everyone up there.  We only wish Devin could have made it to make the family complete.  We missed you Dev!

Monday night was sloppy Joe's.  The kids kept true to the name!

Ashlee got the kids some toy guns in West Yellowstone.  They had a blast shooting targets and having duels with Lisa.  It's a good thing the guns only shot foam darts!

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