Thursday 17 January 2013

Arrival in Christchurch

After several months of waiting for approvals, visas, etc. we have finally landed safely in Christchurch, New Zealand.  We will be living here for the next two years as part of an international rotation Kristynn has secured with PwC.  

One of Kristynn's bosses, Richard Perrett picked us up from the airport and took us to lunch along with her other boss, Malcolm Hudson.  We had a lovely lunch and got to know them a little better.  They also showed Kristynn how to get to the office on Monday.

To everyone who is back home in the United States, the weather is beautiful here!  It's about 17C today (or 62F) and partly cloudy skies.  We are very glad to be out of the freezing weather in Utah.  We miss and love all of you.

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