Sunday 29 December 2013

Trip with Mom & Dad: Day 3 - Driving to Queenstown

Sunday, December 29

Today we went to church and introduced Mom & Dad to the ward. It was fun and we all had a really good time. Once we got home, we packed up, had some lunch and dropped off Ike at the Downes' to get babysat while we are vacationing in the rest of New Zealand and Australia.  I'm going to miss my little baby!

It rained a lot as we started driving, but about halfway through the road trip we did see some patches of blue sky and enjoyed intermittent sunlight. Hooray!

Unfortunately, Mt. Cook was immersed in cloud cover so we didn't get to stop and see it, but we did stop at Lake Tekapo and the Church of the Good Shepherd, which is apparently a really famous (and super tiny) little chapel where a lot of weddings are held.  

Picture from the car as we were driving. I thought the clouds looked really neat but you could also see some blue sky amidst the storm clouds.

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