Thursday, 17 October 2013

Sept. 10 - Basketball in New Zealand!

I am still finding things to do while I am here in New Zealand without Brian.  I think my bosses take pity on my being alone so I get invited to a bunch of extra stuff!  On Tuesday, 10 September I went to a basketball game at CBS Canterbury Arena with several of our clients and their children.  It was a great event!

The NZ Breakers are the only New Zealand based basketball team in the Australian National Basketball League.They normally play in Auckland, but play a few other locations throughout the year such as the game in Christchurch that we went to.  The Breakers played the Melbourne Tigers.

The arena is pretty small compared to NBA arenas in the US - but it was packed full.

For those that know me well, you know that I LOVE SOUVENIRS. So I bought myself a program for the night's game. I literally laughed out loud when I opened the program and in addition to the rosters for the two teams, there was also a summary of the rules for basketball included. Do they do that in the NBA? I don't recall ever seeing one.  Maybe they did it because basketball is relatively new in popularity in New Zealand. Who knows - but I thought it was hilarious.

We had some extreme fun at the end of the game.  There was a severe weather watch at the end of the night.  Never would have guessed it before the game, but as we left a north westerly wind really started to pick up.  I'm really glad my boss, Malcolm Hudson, was driving because I was scared! As the wind continued getting faster and faster, we started seeing branches, garbage, and even trash cans get picked up and carried by the wind.  Debris was flying all around us! It was like an obstacle course getting home.

As I was trying to sleep that night (with no luck because the wind was blowing trees against the house so hard) I looked up on MetService that winds were at 72km/h with gusts reaching 100km/h (or 62 mph in terms we all understand)!!!  It was nuts.  I tried to take some video on the ipad, but it was just too dark so I took a picture of a huge tree that was completely uprooted in the park near our house. It was very sad to see.

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