Friday 15 February 2013

Ike is Safely in Quarantine!

Today was so great! We got to visit Ike in quarantine after being here a month without him.  We were almost giddy with excitement as we drove out to see Ikey but it was pretty sad when we first walked into his "suite".  He was pretty nervous when I first walked in, which is sad because if you've ever seen Ike excited, it's pretty funny.  He just sort of walked over to Brian for protection.

After we were alone with him for a few minutes, he warmed right up to us.  I guess he had a right to be upset with us.  First we ditch him and Aussie, then he gets shipped on a plane with no familiar face to greet him.  I'm just glad he made it over here safely.

We spent about 45 minutes with the cute little guy which involved a lot of cuddling and kisses.  He just wanted to be held and loved the entire time.  I almost cried when we left him because he didn't really understand why we left him behind again.  He just stood looking at his door as if we would come back and get him.  As we got out to the car we could hear him barking to let us know he was still there waiting to be let out.

Even though the end was sad, it was wonderful to see him.  I can't wait for the next 10 days to go by quickly so we can bring him home!!!

1 Month Down, 23 To Go

I can't believe we have left Utah exactly one month ago.  Time has really flown by over here. We just planned a whole bunch of activities to do in the upcoming month so get ready for some fun blog posts!

Happy One Month Anniversary!

Monday 11 February 2013

The Puppies Are Missed...

How cute are these puppies!?
We took these pictures a couple days before we left.  We were so excited to see them on Skype yesterday!

Canterbury Museum

Brian pointed out to me that I forgot to put up pictures of the Canterbury Museum.  Canterbury is the county where Christchurch is located.  The museum was next to the botanical gardens so we hit both spots on the same day (Saturday).  

Cool things were Moa bird fossils (extinct birds kind of like ostriches), ancient Maori artifacts, and a section on the race to the South pole (won by a Norwegian expedition).  Here are a couple pics we took!

Friday 8 February 2013

Christcurch Botanical Gardens

Took a trip to Hagley Park today to see the botanical gardens and the Canterbury Museum. Unfortunately the conservatories are closed due to earthquake damage but the gardens were beautiful and we got some cool pics.  What a beautiful Saturday!!!