Thursday, 31 January 2013

House? Check. Car? Double Check.

Hooray and thank goodness it's Friday!

We are starting off the weekend with a bang.  We are officially getting out of the motel and moving into  our new house we are renting.  It's a very cute little 2 bedroom house that should be perfect for us while we are here.  It's also only about 2.5 km from the office, so I can easily ride my bike there!

We also purchased a car, a little Subaru Impreza hatchback.  We really like it - this type of car is the standard size around here.  Good thing too, because gas is about triple the cost in New Zealand vs. the US!!!

The camera software has finally been downloaded, so here are a few pics.  We don't have the internet set up in the house yet, so future posts may be limited for another week or so until that's all finalized.

Here are some pics of our new things...

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Brian That is Called Brian

(This post was written by Brian)

Found out a few days ago that neither Netflix nor Hulu streaming works down here and since most of our dvd's are still in shipment we have been stuck watching the few movies that we brought on the plane with us.  Which means that I have been watching "The Life of Brian" (my favorite monty python movie, and ashley shepherds as well) over and over again.  So from now on I will be known as "Brian that is called Brian".

Weather is always fun to talk about.  I'll tell you all that yesterday it was 35 degrees and today it is 15 and rainy.  Thats celsius.  To convert, just divide the number by 5 then multiply it by 9, then add 32 and you have the temp in F.  So it was 95 yesterday and 60 today.  What was it in Utah.  Oh yeah and the air is clear.  Enough about the weather.

The three big things on our agenda are to find a place to live, find a car to buy, and then find me a job.  Kristynn went and looked at a place tonight that she absolutely loves, its in our price range, very close to her work (She could bike to work), and they would let little Ikey come and live there.  Housing is very competitive here in Christchurch since the earthquake destroyed so many homes.  So whomever reads this post say your prayers, cross your fingers, or give a toast to us, (Whatever your style is) that we will get this place.

Kristynn and I love and miss you all and love hearing from you on Facebook or in the comments on this blog.

(Brian composed this post)

Monday, 21 January 2013

You Can Comment on the Blog Now!

We've changed the settings to the blog so you should now be able to comment if you so desire.  Enjoy!

A Deviation From the Purpose of this Blog

Lisa sent us this video of baby Bensen and I thought it was cute.  Since we haven't taken any pictures in New Zealand yet, I thought I would post it here to make up for it.  He is way cuter than us anyway...

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's off to work we go.

I read an article today about a study that was done a few years ago.  The results of the study showed that 6 out of 7 dwarves are not Happy.  Well Kristynn isn't a dwarf, (except her hunter on World of Warcraft)  But she was very excited to go to her first day of work.  And she was singing show tunes the whole way there. (Which is actually very normal for her)

I am loving it here, its summer but its not too hot, and since we are at sea level I can actually get up and walk places without being out of breath the entire walk, or sweating like I've just been out jogging, or yogging, I'm not sure it might be a soft J.

Stay Classy San Diego

(Brian composed this post)

Saturday, 19 January 2013


(This post was written by Brian)

EARTHQUAKE!!!  Had our first earthquake tonight.  Only a 4.7 but Kristynn thought it was fun.  "Cool!" she says and looks around with childlike wonder as everyone else readies to move incase the house starts falling in on us.  But in the end it was just a small little shake and we resumed our dinner with the two partners and their wives that Kristynn will be working for.

We have rented a car for the next few days.  So tomorrow we can go to church and do a bit of driving around.  We will let you know how that goes.  Good night all.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Arrival in Christchurch

After several months of waiting for approvals, visas, etc. we have finally landed safely in Christchurch, New Zealand.  We will be living here for the next two years as part of an international rotation Kristynn has secured with PwC.  

One of Kristynn's bosses, Richard Perrett picked us up from the airport and took us to lunch along with her other boss, Malcolm Hudson.  We had a lovely lunch and got to know them a little better.  They also showed Kristynn how to get to the office on Monday.

To everyone who is back home in the United States, the weather is beautiful here!  It's about 17C today (or 62F) and partly cloudy skies.  We are very glad to be out of the freezing weather in Utah.  We miss and love all of you.